Graduates photo
Get to know some of NMT's graduated TC students.


Marqui Jungling

“I use what I learned in the TC degree [program] a lot.”

Marqui is a 2018 alumnus working for Sandia National Labs as a systems engineer. Though her current work is not specific to the field of TC, she emphasizes the unique opportunities presented by having TC expertise. TC skills like an eye for documentation design and refined writing proficiency allow her to fill important needs and stand out among her engineering peers. Experiences such as collaborating on her thesis and studying visual communication helped prepare for work in and outside the confines of TC. She counts the variety of specialization areas and flexibility of work in the TC program among the reasons why undecided or incoming students should consider pursuing TC. 

Ali Lenox

“You can really get to know your professors.”

“I made great friends with my peers”

Ali is a documentation specialist at NRAO. She graduated from NMT’s TC program in 2019 after switching between multiple majors. She cites the appeal of the program to her creative personality as an important reason for eventually settling on TC.  For Ali, community was an important aspect of the program. Developing friendships with her peers allowed her to reap the full benefits of collaboration on projects and develop the sort of cooperative skills that would directly carry over to the workforce. The help she received from both classmates and instructors led to her creation of standard operating procedure documentation for the Puerto Seguro homeless shelter. She credits this project not only with helping her develop critical skills but also enhancing her resume at the outset of her career. 

Keegan Livoti

"There's a lot of joy in learning something and then sharing it with someone else."

Keegan is a tech writer for a data analytics company and a 2018 alumnus. The Society for Technical Communication played a significant role in his TC journey, and he notes both the fun of participating in the NMT chapter and the valuable experiences of attending the STC conferences as high points of his time at Tech. Keegan’s appreciation for the importance of interpersonal skills to success in the TC industry and how such experiences helped shape these skills is a testament to the value of community to the TC program. The advantage to his career of having a technical focus in his repertoire is also apparent to Keegan. Overall, the TC program provided him with the tools he needed to excel at the work he enjoys.

Jade Baca

“Technical Communication is really unique.”

“The TC program… covers so much.”

Jade graduated from the TC program in 2020 and now works for Hobby Lobby as a copywriter.  Her job entails writing instructions, descriptions, and names for products along with various other public-facing writing tasks. Community was a very important part of her TC journey. Jade was a president of NMT’s Society for Technical Communication chapter and made fond memories fundraising, mingling at chapter meetings and attending the STC summit. The program’s hands-on nature, the availability of help from faculty, and the tight-knit group of peers made Jade’s time at Tech equally valuable and memorable.


“[The TC program] gave me wings as a student that I didn’t realize were wings until I had gotten out of the program.”

“New Mexico Tech [TC program] is worth it because of the real-world application… professors push you to apply what you've learned under real-world scenarios instead of carefully controlled class scenarios.”

Rachel completed the TC program in 2015 and now works on user experience research for the library of Texas Tech. She recalls her TC experience with fondness for the program’s distinctly enjoyable flavor of productivity and a respect for how the program equipped her for the workforce. These sentiments are evident in her stories about TC at NMT -- from spending a late night with friends working on theses in the writing center with a blanket fort and snacks to getting her senior project published in Technical Communication, a flagship industry journal. Rachel benefitted from the hands-on practicality of the TC program’s many projects that are often completed to solve real problems for real clients. She also attributes the success of her publication while still an undergraduate in part to the TC faculty pushing her to explore the full potential of her work. 


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